What is HEXA color code?

A HEXA color code often written as "hex with alpha" is a hexadecimal color representation that includes an alpha component, similar to the rgba color format. In this format, in addition to the standard six characters that define the red, green, and blue (RGB) components, two additional characters represent the alpha channel, which controls the color's transparency or opacity. The alpha channel ranges from 00 (completely transparent) to FF (completely opaque), allowing for a wide range of transparency levels in a color. This format is commonly used in web design and graphic design to specify colors with transparency, providing control over the visual appearance of elements on a web page or in digital graphics.

What is RGBA color code?

RGBA color code, which stands for Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, is a color representation format used in digital design and computing. It is an extension of the RGB color model, where in addition to specifying the intensity of red, green, and blue (RGB) components, an alpha channel is included. The alpha channel controls the transparency or opacity of the color, with values ranging from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). RGBA color codes are widely used in web design, graphic design, and image editing to define colors with varying levels of transparency, making it essential for creating visually appealing and layered digital content.

HEXA to other formats

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press down arrow to get a random hexa color enter a color to view in different formats
rgba(250, 113, 252, 0.62)
rgb(250, 113, 252)
Color copied to clipboard